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Free entry to the museums of St. Petersburg


2. The Peter and Paul Fortress is the place from where St. Petersburg takes its origin. The symbolic

keys to the Northern Capital commissioned by the order of Catherine II are stored here. The oldest

building of St. Petersburg was laid on May 16th, 1703 on the Hare’s Island by the order of Peter I,

who was personally involved in the construction. Today the island houses Peter and Paul Cathedral

and the Grand Ducal burial place, the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg, the Mint, the Neva

panorama, and update exhibitions. In 1873 there began a tradition to fire a blank shot every noon

from the cannon of the Naryshkin bastion of the fortress.


Free admission: last Thursday of the month

Opening hours: the entrance to the fortress is open daily from 06:00 to 21:00.

Museum is open from 11:00 to 19:00.


3. The Kunstkamera, the first museum of Russia was founded by Peter the Great in 1719. Inside

there is the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography with nearly 2,000,000

items of natural and human curiosities and rarities. Human and animal foetuses with anatomical

deformities were displayed in the Kunstkamera of Peter the Great to dispel the fears of monsters

and also to show the examples of accidents of nature.


Free admission: every third Thursday of the month


3. The Pushkin Apartment Museum on the river Moika Embankment is the memorial museum of the

poet A. Pushkin which tells about the last period of his life and work. He died in this apartment in

1837 after being mortally wounded at the duel. Authentic Pushkin's belongings are on display.


Free entry: on Pushkin Memorial Day on February 10, on Pushkin’s Day on June 6 and on the

International Museum Day on May 18.


4. The State Museum of the History of Religion is unique. This is one of the few museums in the

world the collections of which tell about the occurrence, history and development of the world

religions. The museum contains about 250,000 of the most valuable artefacts, which are historical

and cultural monuments of different eras and countries, including rare archaeological finds dating

from the VI millennium BC. The collections talk about the beliefs of the peoples of ancient Egypt,

Greece and Rome, Israel and the European Middle Ages, the religions of modern times, Buddhism

and Islam.


Free admission: first Monday of the month

Location: Pochtamtskaya St., 14/5

Opening hours: Mon. - Sun from 11:00 to 18:00, the ticket office closes one hour before closing

Day off: Wednesday.


5. St. Petersburg Museum of Dolls. At the Museum you can observe the evolution of dolls from

the Archaic to the present. It has more than 5,000 exhibits, 8 exhibition halls. They are dedicated to

traditional rites and holidays (Christmas and Easter), East Slavic traditional doll, Russian and foreign

tales, theatre, platonic and erotic love.


Free admission to the museum: the last Monday of the month

Location: St. Petersburg, Kamskaya St, 8


6. The Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On 6,000

m2 exhibition space there’s a collection of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and invertebrates,

mounted or preserved in formalin, and their skeletons or shells. The collection of mammals includes

woolly mammoths. There are skeletons of cetaceans together with the enormous 27 m long blue

whale and mounted pinnipeds. The Zoological museum in Saint-Petersburg is one of the ten biggest

nature history museums in the world.


Free admission to the museum: last Thursday of the month

Location: St. Petersburg, University Emb., 1

Opening hours: 11:00 to 18:00

7. The Arctic and Antarctic Museum is a museum in St. Petersburg, Russia opened in 1937 as part

of the Soviet Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. The museum is located in the building of Saint

Nicholas Orthodox Old Believers’ Neoclassical Church from the 1820s. It is the largest museum

dedicated to polar exploration in the world. The exposition is reveals physiographic features of the

Arctic, its flora and fauna.


Free admission to the museum: third Thursday of the month

Location: St. Petersburg, Marata St., 24


8. Central Research Geological Museum by Academician F.Chernyshev. The museum is one of the

largest natural - historical museums in the world. Here you can see a unique mosaic map of gems,

minerals, rocks, paleontological artefacts, including the skeleton of a trochodont. The museum

provides information on geological structure, geological history and mineral deposits in all regions of

Russia and CIS countries.


Free admission to the museum: for single visitors

Location: St. Petersburg, Vasilievsky Island, Sredniy pr., 74


9. "Nyenskans" Museum. "700 Years - Landskrona, Nevskoe Ustye, Nyenskans". It is a historical and

archaeological Museum. The exhibition is devoted to the prehistory of the city of St. Petersburg. It is

over 700 years old, full of stories as about the rulers and warriors, as about everyday details of past



Free admission to the museum: by appointment
Location: St. Petersburg, Anglijskaya Emb., 6


10. The Mining Institute. The museum is located in the main building of the Mining Institute. It

has 20 rooms. They are dedicated to mineralogy, geology, history of mining and metallurgical

engineering and the history of foundation of the Mining Institute. Museum's collection has more

than 230 000 samples from all continents and from more than 80 countries.


Free admission: by appointment 

Location: St. Petersburg, Vasilievsky Island, 21 line, 1


11. Icebreaker "Krasin" got famous after rescuing the crew of the airship "Italia" commanded by

Umberto Nobile that had suffered a serious crash in 1928 during the polar expedition


Free admission: first Wednesday of the month, except for organized groups


12. Museum of the JSC Lomonosov Porcelain Factory. The Imperial Porcelain Factory in Saint-

Petersburg is a producer of handmade ceramics. It was founded by D. Vinogradov in the town of

Oranienbaum (Lomonosov) in 1744.


Free admission: First Thursday of each month, time is not specified


For further details on guided tours in St. Petersburg contact me directly any time

Maria Lomaeva

Email: m.lomaeva@gmail.com

mob. +79217506872

Skype: visitpeter1


Per i dettagli sulla prenotazione dei miei tour, non esitare a contattarmi in qualsiasi momento.