100 Years of Suprematism



Being a passionate advocate of “new” art, Malevich was inspired by different movements like Impressionism, Symbolism, Fauvism and Cubism. Whereas his personal manner of painting was influenced by Russian icons and folk art.


His early works are little known and unlike the “Squares” are very few preserved. Malevich moved them to an exhibition in German but on the orders of the Soviet government dropped everything and rushed back home. Paintings went missing. Especially valuable are the preserved works "Society in Top Hats", "Cow and Fiddle", "The Aviator", “Composition with the Mona Lisa”. Through Suprematism to deeper late works “Red Cavalry”, “Peasant Woman”, “Portrait of Artist’s Wife”.


"Self-Portrait" begins and ends the exhibition. From God to Man. We are offered to track this creative way. But visitors still hover somewhere in between "Black" and "Red" squares, jumping to get a better shot in their background. Many have tried to copy these rectangles but in vain, they always get something different and there remains Malevich – the most mysterious artist of the 20th century.


Composition with "La Gioconda"


Red Cavalry



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